Day by Day cartoon

Monday, March 31, 2003

March 2003 Archives

Monday, March 31, 2003

Kim du Toit's Daily rant and remarks from my email
Kim is right; as he usually is, about the pleasure of sharing time outdoors with the son&heir just learning about firearms and each other. Noah and I continue to have a fine relationship and nothing pleases me more than having a son that likes hanging out with dad. This is a complete reversal of direction from my relationship with Noah's older brother, who from very early in adolescence decided to move as far away from spending time with dad as possible.

Anyway, Kim posts an email I sent him yesterday and his comments. Go have a read.
Nate 7:17 PM - [Link] Say something...
National Geographic Fires Peter Arnett
The statement released by the National Geographic Society said the following:

"National Geographic has terminated the service of Peter Arnett. The Society did not authorize or have any prior knowledge of Arnett's television interview with Iraqi Television, and had we been consulted, would not have allowed it.

"His decision to grant an interview and express his personal views on state-controlled Iraqi Television, especially during a time of war, was a serious error in judgment and wrong."

NBC News President Neal Shapiro said in a statement published on "It was wrong for Mr. Arnett to grant an interview to state-controlled Iraqi TVespecially at a time of war and it was wrong for him to discuss his personal observations and opinions in that interview. Therefore, Peter Arnett will no longer be reporting for NBC News and MSNBC."

"I want to apologize to NBC, MSNBC, National Geographic EXPLORER and the American people for clearly making a misjudgment by giving the interview to Iraqi Television," Arnett said. "Clearly by giving that interview I created a firestorm in the United States, and for that I'm truly sorry."
Nate 3:04 PM - [Link] Say something...
... - AOL Cuts 170 Jobs in Utah Call Center
OGDEN, Utah -- America Online has laid off 170 workers at its Ogden facility, part of 425 terminations at AOL call centers across the country.

The layoffs in Ogden Thursday were without warning.

"I got called to a meeting. They said, 'Please give me your badge and your headset because you're not going back into the building.' Somebody else had to go back into the building to get my purse and my keys," one employee, who asked that her name not be used, told the Standard-Examiner.

AOL spokesman Nicholas Graham said the move was part of a company reorganization. All employees in the technical support and password departments were terminated. Registration and customer retention will be the future focus of the center. [...]

[...] Heather Morrison, said she was called on her day off to a vacant building next to AOL for a meeting she was told would take two hours and would discuss the company's focus during the second quarter. The mother of two said the meeting was done in about 30 minutes.

After a brief announcement, employees were handed a folder with a separation agreement, information about insurance, stock options and finding another job -- and an AOL software disc. How egotistical is this for AOL to hand out freebie cds to their fired employees? I suppose they can use the 1025 free hours to job search...

This is where I live folks. Loosing 170 jobs is a distinct kick in the local economy.
Nate 12:39 PM - [Link] Say something...
Columbia Spectator Online - Professor Qualifies Quotation in Article and Addresses Criticism

Yeah, go read professor De Genova's entire response in Columbia's paper. You'll truly feel his pain for being taken so terribly out of context for his comments about "a million Mogadishus." Read this entire thing and see if you don't wish you could be the one to apply the cluebat to this jerk!
Nate 12:14 PM - [Link] Say something...
Sunday, March 30, 2003
Masturbate for Peace: Using Masturbation to End War
Um, yeah I think this will bring peace to the world... Freaky.
Thanks, (I guess) and a hat tip to Dave Barry
Nate 6:30 AM - [Link] Say something...
Saturday, March 29, 2003
Columbia Prof Wants US To Lose
from Little Green Footballs

Columbia University professor Nicholas De Genova has a dream. He would like to see 18 million dead Americans and a crushing defeat for the United States.

At an anti-war "teach-in" this week, a Columbia University professor called for the defeat of American forces in Iraq and said he would like to see "a million Mogadishus" - a reference to the Somali city where American soldiers were ambushed, with 18 killed, in 1993.

"The only true heroes are those who find ways that help defeat the U.S. military," Nicholas De Genova, an assistant professor of anthropology and Latino studies at Columbia University, told the audience at Low Library Wednesday night. "I personally would like to see a million Mogadishus."

De Genova was referring to the Mogadishu ambush and firefight, known for its graphic image of a slain American soldier being dragged through the streets. The battle was portrayed in the film "Black Hawk Down."

The crowd was largely silent at De Genova's remark. They loudly applauded him later when he said, "If we really [believe] that this war is criminal ... then we have to believe in the victory of the Iraqi people and the defeat of the U.S. war machine."

De Genova doesn?t seem to realize that if his dream came true, it would also mean the death of at least one billion Muslims?since US troops in Mogadishu killed at least 1000 of their attackers.

This morally repugnant freak is teaching the children of the United States! Here's another case of free speech that I think has turned the corner into treasonous talk. And if its not treasonous, it certainly is repugnant and ill-advised. Idiots like this have NO business in teaching positions and probably couldn't exist anywhere else except in academia. I have to go look up the definition of sedition right now...

Nate 10:52 AM - [Link] Say something...
Friday, March 28, 2003
Hmm, I just came from Terry's home & yard travails story in Trussville, over at Possumblog and I am reminded of a couple of reasons I no longer live below the Mason-Dixon line. The reasons? Fire ants and fleas. I hate both of these orny bugs and I love the fact that neither of them live here in Utah.

I did live in Louisiana for 7 years and can vouch for the evilness of fire ants. They wreck your yard with mounds that seem to spring up overnight, the kids and dogs can't play in the grass without risking serious pain, and they're just almost impossible to keep out of your lawn. Hated them; with a furious passion. Get bit by a couple, or a swarm while minding your own business in the grass that you paid for, just trying to enjoy a beer with a neighbor and you will know how much I hated fire ants.

Now if you go into any home improvement store in the south you will find a number of potions, powders and elixers guaranteed to remove fire ants from your property forever and leave you with a gaping hole in your wallet. They do work; just not forever, and like anything, some products work better than others. That means you can easily end up with several half-used containers of poison on the shelf and never enough of one type to do any good.

But I found a better way to kill fire ants. There's almost always enough of it in your shed and every time you go fill up the lawnmower gas can at the local 7-11, you refill your fire ant killer supply... Since it was usually during my weekly yard mowing chore that I would come across the offending ant mounds, I decided to fight fire ants with fire... First, you take about a cup of gasoline and pour it directly into the mound, then walk away for 3 or 4 minutes. (Waiting is important as it allows the gasoline fumes, which are heavier than air to penetrate deep into the mound and the surrounding tunnels. So wait.) After making certain that no small children are nearby, though they do actually like this part, toss a match onto the mound. Whoof! and Whuump! The fire will ignite the fumes that are now deep underground and kill lots of fire ants. Its almost like using on of those Bunker Buster bombs the Pentagon's so proud of! You may even be able to hear their little hard bodies crackling... Anyway, some black smoke will come up out of the mound and you want to watch to ensure your lawn doesn't catch fire, but its a wonderful 5 minute diversion from mowing and it will keep the fire ants under control.

So, that's it; Nate's fire ant punishment method. Its not approved by anybody and your spouse will probably complain. But it works and its so satisfying! I did once consider trying to ranch giant anteaters and leasing them out for fire ant control but there is a bundle of reasons that make it a bad idea. Reason enough for another post someday though.

Kudzu. Did I mention I hate kudzu also?
Nate 10:16 AM - [Link] Say something...
Girl fights python to save kitten
A SIX-year-old girl became the first female to receive the RSPCA's humane award for saving her kitten from a predatory python.

Marlie Coleman did not think twice about taking on the scrub python when it wrapped its jaws around her kitten Sooty in their Cairns backyard earlier this year.

Of course the PETA folks are up in arms about her viscious attack on the python...
Nate 8:47 AM - [Link] Say something...
Thursday, March 27, 2003
Radio Australia News - Blix explains US discovery

"The Americans have one advantage over UNMOVIC, in discovering things and that is as they go around the country and more areas are under their control it seems likely that people scientists engineers military will be more ready to speak to the Americans, than they were to us because when we were there they still had the formidable police apparatus that would scare them from saying the truth, if the truth was any different from what the government said."

Yeah, how about that... Thanks for nothing Hans!
Nate 2:30 PM - [Link] Say something...
Wednesday, March 26, 2003
War American-style -- The Washington Times
Go read all of this.
[...] The current war with Iraq will bring out all these aspects of our national personality. We started by spending six months asking nicely for Saddam to obey the law. When he refused, we asked nicely for our friends to help us enforce the law. When many of them refused, we appealed to their sentiment ? after all, we had helped them out for most of the last century. But when we found out they had a lump of coal where a heart ought to be, we still politely told them we would do it ourselves.

So far, the Iraqi generals have seen the easygoing, sentimental and fair-minded parts of our personality. But rumor has it that the Marines are developing itchy trigger fingers as revenge for their fallen brothers fills their hearts. Our pilots are getting tired of blowing up empty buildings in Baghdad. Our line generals, just about finished making friends, are looking forward to giving the orders to start influencing (Iraqi) people. And Americans from sea to shining sea have visions of daisycutters dancing in our heads.

Americans are fair, and more than fair. We will even accept a few unnecessary casualties to give the other side time to do the right thing. We understand the need to have as many Iraqis as possible friendly when the shooting stops. But even more importantly, we understand that if Saddam and his gang are still on their feet when the shooting stops, all the goodwill of the Iraqi people would be worth nothing.

And expending the lives of American soldiers in order to save the lives of Iraqi civilians is not a transaction Americans will look kindly on for long. Woe betide the American president who is not prepared to be as murderously ruthless as the American people when we are finished being easygoing, sentimental and fair-minded.


Nate 11:01 PM - [Link] Say something...
News From the Front
Thanks and a link to Kim for his publishing of Capt. Steve's reports.
[...] Another reason I wouldn't want to dwell on how long our flights are is that every time I do, I'm acutely aware that it might sound like complaining. We all know that as long as we have brothers and sisters sleeping on the ground and being fired on by the enemy we have nothing to complain about. In fact, we may feel a little guilty about that. I think we do, and I think maybe because of that, we were almost relieved -- we almost felt validated somehow -- when we heard the pilot say he was seeing tracers reaching skyward. [...]

[...] My friend Sideshow remarked to me today that Saddam's forces will use civilians as protection and it occurred to me that this is a perfect example of the differences between us and them. We believe that governments (and by extension, soldiers) exist to protect citizens. They believe that citizens are tools to be used in their defense. The world could not ask for a clearer illustration.

Nate 10:48 PM - [Link] Say something...
Well, almost all done for the evening. I've cleaned up my sidebar over there to the left a little, resized the Gut Rumbles button to match the others and added an important new button, the Operation Uplink button, there near the top. This link takes you to a site, operated by the Veterans of Foreign Wars where you can donate a few dollars to support our deployed troops to receive free phone cards. This is as fine a thing as you can do for deployed military folks. Right now, those guys you see in the Bradley fighting vehicles and Abrams tanks have no time or opportunity to call home. There's no email, no phones and mail delivery is sporadic at best. Loved ones back home are watching the war unfold with no benefit of hearing daddy's or husband's voice saying they are ok and this silence is one of the hardest parts of military duty.

When these folks do finally get to call home, the phones will be few, the lines to use them long long and the charges expensive. The VFW hands out these free calling cards around the world and they are always an appreciated gift. I know because I have had them myself. Getting to call home even for just a few minutes, for free is a wonderful treat. So if you can and care to, drop by Operation Uplink and give a few dollars. It will make some serviceman's child or spouse very happy.

I put some in to pay back for the cards I enjoyed over the years. Thanks VFW.
Nate 10:40 PM - [Link] Say something...
Supporting the Troops
Folks, if you feel the desire to show support for our deployed fighting men and women, check out this list of links at Sgt. Stryker's Daily Briefing. There's a number of ways you can show you care in realistic and appreciated style. The free phone cards are always a welcome gift to a deployed military person far from home.

Showing you care through any of these support groups is a far better plan than the feel-good group that is getting together today, dressed in yellow, to form a human "yellow ribbon" around our state capitol building to show their support. This is as practical as all those dumbass folks gathering naked in the grass to protest the war a few weeks ago. No pictures now but later maybe.

I think I'll go buy a couple phone cards for some folks.
And I'm adding a link to the VFW site where you can donate also.
Nate 7:46 AM - [Link] Say something...
Google Search: weber county enticing a minor over the internet
This is creepy. Playing in my referrer logs this morning, I found that somebody actually typed that header into the Google search box. What was this person's intent? How-to instructions? Checking for a good guy vs. bad guy scorecard? I wonder if he found what he was looking for. And did he find it at Wasted Electrons? Hmm.
Nate 7:39 AM - [Link] Say something...
Tuesday, March 25, 2003
Yahoo! News - U.S. Says Six Jamming Devices Destroyed
Terry over at Possumblog already linked to this story but I was pleased to see that the Russian-sold equipment is now even junkier than it was when it was sold. Pity we haven't recovered any bodies with Russian passports to put paid to the dispute of illegal sales.
Nate 2:29 PM - [Link] Say something...
Yahoo! News - Girl Found in California Heads Back Home

And after Elizabeth Smart's safe return two weeks ago, here is another happy ending to a teen girl abduction. And the keen eyes of a citizen was responsible; again. Good Job to the gent that spotted this bad guy.
Nate 1:15 PM - [Link] Say something...
Smart Case Worries Homeless From The Ogden Standard-Examiner
Tue, Mar 25, 2003 The Associated Press

SALT LAKE CITY -- The homeless are concerned about their image since Brian David Mitchell, a drifter and religious fanatic, was accused of kidnapping Elizabeth Smart at knifepoint. The homeless are concerned about their image? Could it be because you look like a homeless guy? Maybe a haircut and a bath might help improve your image...

"Now people kind of wonder about you," said a 48-year-old homeless man named Robert who queued up for one of the 50 or so temporary labor jobs available in the west part of town this weekend. "Or at least you wonder if they"re wondering about you. Guys at the shelter are talking about it a lot. We"re worried the jobs won"t come like they usually do this summer." Yeah, these are the fellows I want to hire to help me put up gutters at my house this spring...

Pamela Atkinson, a homeless advocate, said many homeless people have told her they believe they are being stereotyped because of Mitchell. He worked a half day on the Smart family"s roof and is now charged in Elizabeth"s kidnapping. Stereotyped huh? Imagine that. The Smart family adults were STUPID for allowing these guys into and around their ritzy neighborhood and children...

The office that handles temporary job requests say it has had a few workers mention possible ripple effects from the Smart kidnapping. "And maybe for a couple days right after, requests for day help really dropped off," said Mike Asmussen, case manager at the placement office. Imagine that!

Now, there's a reason for every homeless person out there on the streets and I suppose there are occasionally legitimate reasons why a citizen becomes homeless. But from what I've been able to tell from my reading and experience, the reasons are usually self-inflicted and therefore, to my way of thinking, self-correctable. Maybe day work is one way that you can feed yourself for a time and there's nothing wrong with that. But if you expect me to pick you to help me rake or mow or wash windows, appearance will matter and you better look like you're working your way back into citizenship.
Nate 12:57 PM - [Link] Say something...
Air Force to Replace Academy Bosses
[...] Four top officers at the academy will be replaced, at least two of them by women, Air Force Secretary James Roche told senators Tuesday. A fifth will be allowed to retire as planned this summer. The Air Force is investigating allegations that female cadets were ostracized or reprimanded for reporting rapes and sexual assaults.

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., said it will take a culture change at the academy to root out the problems that have existed for years - long before the current leadership. "Cadets have to realize they owe their allegiance to the values of the Air Force and the country they are preparing to represent and defend, and there has been quite a bit of evidence that the camaraderie of the cadets has taken precedence over stopping inappropriate behavior or reporting criminal act and that has to end," she said. [...]

House cleaning time at the Academy and its apparently long past due.
Nate 7:41 AM - [Link] Say something...
Monday, March 24, 2003
Well, the weekend's past and I've recovered from my trip to Davenport. I did not make it either to the casino or the Southern Comfort nightclub as anticipated. Fox News and CNN got all my attention when I wasn't in meetings or solving the world's problems with my cohort Todd. We did philosophize diligently over many adult beverages until the early hours and with any luck you should see improvement in your own life due to our efforts. Soon. Or maybe we won't be appointed kings, in which case your life will press on without our influence.

Friday was cleanup from trip, expense reports to file and laptops to return and laundry to sort. Saturday was another day of ticket checking at Powder Mountain Ski Resort, our last for the season. Bummer. If it snows again another time or two we will go back up for one more day of just skiing, but our work is finished with thanks from the management and an invite to return next year. Count on it.

The snow was lousy by the end of the day with water puddles beginning to form where the sun was shining. It makes the snow sticky and skis drag badly when you hit wet patches. Its going to be a very bad summer for lawn watering and water sports because the reservoirs just aren't going to fill up. Again...

Sunday Noah & I took a hike on the railroad tracks for a few miles out to the causeway that crosses the Great Salt Lake. Except right now its just the Great Salt Mudflat in that portion of the lake. The level of the lake probably wouldn't have to rise two feet to cover the mudflats we saw but the water was so far away it was beyond the horizon.

And then we shot the pistol for a while, just for fun. This time we found a bunch of empty shotgun shells and stood them up on a cardboard box for targets which was a good challenge and had the added benefit of being dynamic. Watching the shells go bouncing off the box and up the backstop hill was much more fun than just shooting paper targets and much of Federal's finest 22 caliber hollowpoint ammunition was expended in the effort.

Bob just came by to say that the Ruger arrived Saturday and he forgot to call until it got too late. So I'm picking it up after work today! Hooray! I'll have to start buying 22 ammo two cartons at a time now! Noah by the way is an excellent shot with a handgun already as he only first fired the Beretta back when I bought it in January. He's actually better with the open sights than with the scope and I think he is more accurate than me.

So, I'm back to work with a plate full of work to do after last week's meetings. And I'm trying to focus on the work instead off ranting about what I'd like to do to that "religion of peace" traitor that attacked real soldiers over there in Kuwait.
Nate 12:35 PM - [Link] Say something...
Folks, this website, has been steadily reporting on one of the noisiest dumbasses roaming America today, Michael Moore. They have a great bit of updated data after last night's Academy Awards presentations. Unfortunately, the Academy judges elected to give this fool an Oscar last night for his bogus, factually inaccurate, hopelessly slanted, supposed to be a documentary film, Bowling For Columbine. (No link due to spite. Find it yourself if you must.) His derisive comments towards the President apparently drew jeers and boos (as they should have) and there is a link to it at the website.

Michael Moore is an idiot and if you don't know why, go find out over at Moorewatch. Please understand that this fool has no business making movies and calling them documentaries. His films are as much fiction as Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure, just as credible and less entertaining.
Nate 8:43 AM - [Link] Say something...
Sunday, March 23, 2003
Man Wins $39 Million on Las Vegas Slot Machine

It wasn't me. Dang!
Nate 5:15 PM - [Link] Say something...
There's a new name on my blogroll, over there on the right, its the Command Post and its a warblog of first caliber. These folks are working together to post the most up to the minute information there is on the web concerning the asskicking fighting that our servicemen are currently delivering to Iraq.

I'm not going to try to keep up with the much better qualified bloggers out there that are blogging every report that hits the web. I don't have time enough or the mindset for it. I do promise to let you know how I feel about certain stories from the asskicking fighting when I find things that piss me off infuriate me, like this: An American soldier has died in a grenade attack carried out by another US serviceman at a military camp in Kuwait.. Here is a "so called" soldier; an adherent and recent convert to the "religion of peace" that I pray never sees the light of day again as a free man. I don't know the circumstances where a serviceman can be convicted and put to death, or even if that is still possible, but I hope this dumbass receives the harshest punishment that can be handed out by a court. Or, I guess they could just release him, there in Kuwait, back into his unit; at a pre-announced time... Justice either way if you ask me.
Nate 7:41 AM - [Link] Say something...
Saturday, March 22, 2003
28 baby girls found in suitcases on Chinese bus
If you don't know, I've got a real problem with America's insistence on doing business with China. Their human rights record is undeniable and unforgiveable. This is a prime example. I wish we could just lock China behind their wall for the next several years until they become desperate enough for dollars to change their despicable policies. But we all know its all about the money, and our desire to sell Marlboros and Chevrolets to a few billion people, so we look the other way. I hate it.
Nate 8:17 PM - [Link] Say something...
Thursday, March 20, 2003
Chirac Pre-Vetoes U.N. Resolution for Post-War Iraq

France is right, they need to be included in the rebuilding of Iraq when the war is over... I say we give them the leaflet cleanup contract!
Nate 2:06 PM - [Link] Say something...
Wednesday, March 19, 2003
Well, its midnight. I've had a 6 pack and 3 cigars and the reports from CNN are disappointing. Not near enough explosions and cruise missile cutting across the Bahgdad skyline. Maybe tomorrow. Lots of pictures of ground troops still hanging about waiting to be given the message to GO! The guy that was purported to be Saddam looked like he was reading a script' no passion or fervor or belief that what he was saying was true. I suspect he must have been a double, pulled out of bed with no notice and that there was a pistol pointed at his left ear...

So, go in strength with training and leadership and belief in your goal of liberating Iraq. Shoot straight, keep your head down when you can and keep your brains in gear and focused towards staying alive and making the mission succeed. My prayers are joined with many, many more for your safety and skill. Fact is; I wish I could be with you, in country, in BDUs and with live weapons.

If you're flying an F16 equipped with night vision capability, or if you are fixing NVIS equipped F16s, I had a small hand in providing that capability to you. I know you like the night vision capability, you've told me so. I know that there are spare parts being delivered to you maintainers, I had a big part in getting those spares available to you. Its the best I can do for my part to protect you jet drivers. Please bring those jets, and yourself home safely. Soon.
Nate 11:36 PM - [Link] Say something...
Finally, done with what turned into an horrible day of meetings concerning minutae that I just barely understand. I never thought it would end! Maybe the hangover that didn't begin until about 10 AM had a little something to do with my discomfort, but it might have just been the meeting... Anyway, we're done for now and so will be traveling tomorrow, a day early. In just a little while we're headed out for dinner as a group, steak and ribs on the menu and there better be a big screen TV.

Been catching the news during breaks and lunch today, sure sounds to me like that 8 PM time tonight is a real deadline and kickoff hour. CNN is reporting right now that several additional countries are jumping on the battle wagon and bringing non-combatant medical and decontamination troops into the Gulf to support our military.

Blogger seems to be back to its best behavior and my quote has finally updated. Thanks Blogger.

Godspeed to all our troops.
Nate 4:32 PM - [Link] Say something...
Still struggling... The java error message that Terry mentioned is our shared problem, I'm glad its not just me, which is what I expected since I was using a strange machine from a remote location; almost like being a CNN reporter in Baghdad. But no, its a Blooger problem and the pain is apparently shared by many. Got time now to surf a few of your blogs for a few minutes then its back to the meeting.

Today is the day we loosen the ties and really get down to work. Yesterday was the program review with everyone on their best behavior, lots of Powerpoint slides and issues deferred until today. Should be fun. And later tonight; dancing girls! Nearly naked dancing girls! Details much, much later!
Nate 6:45 AM - [Link] Say something...
Tuesday, March 18, 2003
And I finally got the email that says my Ruger 10/22 rifle was shipped today from Tennesee. Since my gundealer friend that its being shipped to is also away this week, it probably means that I will NOT get it on Friday to go play with on the weekend. Dang it anyway.
Nate 4:23 PM - [Link] Say something...
And I am SO checking out a new home for Wasted Electrons when I get home! This dang Blooger stinks!
Nate 4:17 PM - [Link] Say something...
OK, I'm downstairs, where I cannot watch CNN while blogging. But at least I'm not trying to stuff 100 megabytes of data through a barely functioning 26 megabyte dial-up connection. Now I remember why I pay $50 per month for cable internet action... Possum Dad has graciously agreed to assist with blog-sitting these puny electrons that obviously are not old enough to be unminded during my busy week here in Davenport Iowa. (I'll let you know how well the riverboat treats me.)

This freakin laptop, though not the leadweight of the old criters is still giving me grief. That dang ole' caps lock button is partiULARly in the waY. I did bring a beer downstairs to the business center where the functioning high speed connection allows me to talk to you. There's a connection in the room and it even is live down to the server. But apparently the system was just installed last week and isn't expected to be working before I'm safely home back in Utah.

Lots going on in the world; Tony Blair's cabinet trying to quit on him and then new folks climbing on board his wagon. Sadaam and Sons say they're staying in Iraq, further deepening the hole in the sand that our troops are prepared to dig and drop them in. GO TROOPS! Shoot straight, keep your heads down as much as possible and be kind to those poor surrendering bastards that didn't have a choice in their place in life. And kick Saddamm's ass.

Hey Possum DaD!, (who has graciously agreed to blogsit this silly pile of unkempt electrons during my travels,) I can't get the quote to update. Its in the settings section in the description block. Can you help? You have the miracle words to play administer, so be kind! Oh and go check out a Honda Element for a possible new Possum mobile. I thought I would hate it but really, I like it pretty dang good. And while I'm no longer in the soccer dad-go to plays and band practice and haul kids and chicken to church mode, I have been before and the Element looks like a winner to my experienced eyes.

So there it is folks
Nate 4:13 PM - [Link] Say something...
Monday, March 17, 2003
Folks, due to an inconsistent dial-up connection, several pints of Amber Bock and a need to get unpacked to decide what to wear tomorrow; and due to the fact that dang ole' Blogger ate everything I've already written, I'm going to just tell you this: I'm in Davenport Iowa this week. Getting here was painful due to the weather and the delays it caused. I got yelled at by the Spousal Unit because I called home after going to the bar instead of before... The beermaid is wonderful to watch and I may not move a muscle except to watch her bend down to the beer cooler all week.

And I am having major difficulties navigating this keyboard; so g'night.

And one last thing... gues you probably already know that I wanted to hear the president say, " Ladies & gentlemen, due to a lack of consensus in the UN, the missiles were launched 5 minutes ago..."

Guess we'll know in 2 days...
Nate 8:32 PM - [Link] Say something...
Sunday, March 16, 2003
Letter: Air Force Academy is safe
"We are absolutely committed to supporting victims and prosecuting offenders when criminal acts are reported," said the letter, signed by Air Force Secretary James Roche and Chief of Staff Gen. John Jumper.

I wrote about my concerns about this circumstance a couple weeks ago and have continued to watch as this story has played out. It does appear that the AF has earnestly looked into these circumstances and are prepared to implement significant changes.

General Jumper is a no-nonsense guy and I like him for that. And Matt, my cubicle companion has Secretary Roche's phone number taped to his handset, so if he screws up, we can let him know we're watching!
Nate 12:52 PM - [Link] Say something...
Saturday, March 15, 2003
Pigeons Replace Chickens Not Suited For Desert
Somehow, these urban rats are expected to be better suited to the desert?
I'm still waiting to see PETA's response to this and an offer to provide human shields in the pigeon's place...
Nate 12:23 PM - [Link] Say something...
Thursday, March 13, 2003
Operation enables Reeve to breathe without respirator
How cool is this?
Nate 8:47 PM - [Link] Say something...
Why Liberals Don't Get It
Over at Hello Bloggy today we can read this: (She's talking about Yoko Ono...) [...] Targeting millions of left-wing urban pacifists with an anti-war message is just typical liberal stupidity. It's a waste of Ono's money and effort. Her ads cannot possibly inspire San Franciscans or Greenwich Villagers to be any more anti-war than they already are.

Why isn't Ono taking out newpaper ads in conservative places like Tulsa, Tupelo and Tallahassee? Why not try to inspire anti-war sentiment out there in 'red-state' America?

Why? Because Ono is a feeble-minded liberal idiot, that's why. Not to mention, she can't sing a note, her "art" is pretentious nonsense, and she will forever be hated by millions as The Bitch Who Broke Up The Beatles.


Nate 3:24 PM - [Link] Say something...
International Eat an Animal for PETA Day
I've already remarked about this once but Meryl has put up a reminder and I will too. I think I'll be going out for dinner to celebrate either at Famous Dave's or Tony Roma's. Either place will let me bag up the bones to mail to PETA HQ to let them know how I feel about their pathetic efforts.
I wonder if either of these places are having IEAAFPD specials?
Nate 3:17 PM - [Link] Say something...
Its Thursday. The civil servants that like to cook have free chili dogs for lunch today out in the hall. Should make for a fragrant cubicle this afternoon... Anyway, its the last day of my week as I will be sick tomorrow with that recurrent foot rash that requires cold packs and powder... snow that is. I'm going skiing and I have a ski date! A blind date with Shereen, another member of the Hill ski club that sent out a blanket email this AM looking for a ride to go skiing. So Shereen is meeting me and we are driving to Alta and there we are meeting Jim & his spousal unit.

The demo skis that I want are for sale officially tomorrow and it appears that since my tip jar remains rather dusty that I may not be getting them due to other pressing expenses. Unless of course I can wrangle a small favor from the pleasant lady that owns the store...

Next week I'm in beautiful Davenport Iowa for business. Oh boy! I am staying at the Radisson and within walking distance of the riverboat casino. Last time I was there I made $6 on my $10 at a slot machine in just a few minutes. Which is a good thing as I really don't care to part with my money through gambling, its an old midwestern & baptist reared thing.

Blogging might be light next week but I will have a laptop so it won't be out of the question. 'Cept of course I need to stay away from an internet connection after a drinky or two, which is usually the case for these kind of trips...
Nate 11:27 AM - [Link] Say something...
Wednesday, March 12, 2003
KUTV: Elizabeth Smart Found Alive

Folks, I would have bet you a lot of money that Elizabeth's body would have been found last deer season. Remarkably, they have found her alive today.
Nate 3:41 PM - [Link] Say something...
Elizabeth is alive and reunited with her family

Say what you will and I don't care what brand of faith you exercise, but I believe that miracles really can and do happen, and the reunion of Elizabeth with her family is a miracle. As I noted before, my money was on a deer hunter finding her body. Today's arrest of her apparent captor, right here in the Wasatch valley defys anyone's right to hope.

We have been watching the press conferences and breaking anouncements for more than an hour. One young guy, after watching America's Most Wanted realized that a casual aquaintance that he allowed to use an apartment he managed rather matched the description of the man police were looking for and called the FBI just 3 days ago. Now that the suspect has been identified, his adult stepdaughter, the daughter of the woman arrested has come forward to tell what she knows about his creepy behavior. A third person, after seeing this suspect's picture on the news broadcasts has provided pictures of the three that he took at a party, again in Salt Lake last September.

Elizabeth's dad Ed had a very short public statement to make which began with his relief and wonder and joy about having his daughter back. But in just one sentence length, he got mad, got his garments in a twist and delivered a furious rant towards Congress and the Senate, naming names, (though I did not catch the name, sorry) and angrily telling those elected officials to get off their hands and approve and fund the Amber Alert bill. Ed was finger pointing, poking an unseen Congressman in the chest and insistent that a nationwide Amber Alert might have returned his daughter sooner than this 8 month period. I thought it might have waited another day before turning this reunion into a political event, but Dad and each of the other family members when speaking chastised Congress for not prioritizing this bill.

The story is not begun to all be told and I'm quite certain that some of it will never be told. (We do remain behind the Zion Curtain after all) It will be interesting to hear it played out. But I am surprised and pleased for the family and reminded that not everything is in our own control. Miracles do happen and one happened in my neighborhood today.
Nate 1:40 PM - [Link] Say something...
... Charles Krauthammer - Mr. President, walk away from the U.N.
I agree. Completely. Go read it for yourself.
Nate 11:02 AM - [Link] Say something...
... - Lawmaker under fire for saying Jews support Iraq war
[...] At a March 3 antiwar forum in Reston, Virginia, outside Washington, Moran talked about why he felt the antiwar movement was not stronger in the United States. At an antiwar forum, hmm...

[...] "The Jewish community is deeply offended," said Ronald Halber, executive director of the JCC, explaining that no one group has that much influence over U.S. foreign policy. Hell, as an American I'm deeply offended by his statement. What an asswit.

[...] Jewish groups have criticized Moran in the past for what they describe as his pro-Palestinian beliefs. Pro-Palestinian beliefs huh? I guess I need to know more about his record...

"Congressman Moran's comments were not only inappropriate, they were offensive," Pelosi said. "He has properly apologized. His comments have no place in the Democratic Party." Congresswoman Pelosi, he has no place in the the Democratic Party. Except of course that the Dems seem from my POV to have fallen into complete disarray with no ideas, no direction and no leadership and he looks just like most of the group. They're just anti-whatever the Republicans and the administration is for. Hey Virginia, send this guy home next time!
Nate 10:34 AM - [Link] Say something...
Israeli monitor intercepts order: War starting on March 18

[...] Gurdus told Israel's Channel 2 television that he heard the order being relayed to U.S. fighter-jet pilots and others over U.S. military radio communications he intercepted. Italics mine. I know a few fighter pilots, there's two of them here in this building, just over the cubicle wall from me right now. They confirmed that this guy's report is all wet. I know just a little bit about mission planning and prepping jets and people for combat. Fighter pilots DO NOT get told by radio, a week in advance when the war starts. Messages are transmitted through secure channels from HQ levels to mission planners who coordinate types and numbers of attack aircraft, types of munitions, ground troop placements, weather reports, refueling and recon aircraft, radio channels and much more. The average fighter pilot in the cockpit is nearly the last guy to get the word when the fighting starts.

Maybe his report will get the date right though but I wouldn't give him the credit for it...
Nate 7:51 AM - [Link] Say something...
Tuesday, March 11, 2003
"Land Beyond Jordan" Bomb MOAB Detonated in US

See it here first folks! Back in 1982, through 1985 I was a member of the unit responsible for the testing of weapons at Eglin AFB, where this test took place. I was a newly trained aircraft scheduler and my job was to arrange several types of aircraft each day to meet the specific requirements of the tests for new weapons. These jets were all heavily modified with instrumentation and recorders and most were unique in one way or another. My job was to know which aircraft had which capabilities and get them aligned with the engineer's and program manager's demands.

It was a fun job though very demanding and with rules written on a chalk board instead of a regulation. Maybe it wasn't the very best place to start as a scheduler because that "shoot from the hip" style seemed to stay with me the rest of my career.

One of the neatest things I ever saw in my military career was a live fire demonstration of the AF's newest, latest & greatest weapons. A couple hundred of us were shuttled in buses out to a range where we sat in football bleachers and watched jets drop bombs, shoot missiles and fire the the aircraft guns. The A-10's 30MM cannon is an impressive piece of work!

Anyway, living in Florida at that time was pretty good duty. Noah was born there, at home, in base housing. We went to the beach often, canoed the Blackwater River in the summer, camped and became a real family there.

And finally, the download of this video is finished so I'm going to watch that and then join my spouse on the couch for a little while. Here's another picture of MOAB.
Nate 7:54 PM - [Link] Say something...
Changing companies; again?
If I?ve never explained it before, or you missed it back in Week 1 of Wasted Electrons, I am a support contractor for the USAF. That means I perform work formerly accomplished by civil service people that is now contracted out to companies like ACS, CST, Northrop-Grumman, Lockheed-Martin and lots of other acronyms. Contracting out the work makes the civil service population smaller and saves you, the taxpayer money and allows for flexibility in how many people and where people work.

This is a good deal for lots of reasons and lots of folks, your humble scribe included. I began working in this position in December 1999, immediately out of my AF uniform and stripes and even before my retirement was official. Since that time I have worked for 2 companies, ACS first and in October 2001 I moved to CST. Reason for that change was that the government was unhappy with the service ACS was providing and they replaced them with CST. The new company essentially hired my group and me in-place and we kept on doing the job as before.

But it was a painful swap over with losses to vacation and sick leave and vested time not all accepted etc, etc, the usual grief that comes from changing companies I guess. And the new company has been just fine to work for, responsive to questions and concerns and travel payments, much better than the previous company.

Now, it is changing again. CST is being acquired by another, much bigger company, SAIC. It?s a merger, not an acquisition according to the promotional material. Last night was our introduction to the new company. Cold box lunch ham or roast beef sandwiches for supper since we were meeting at 6 PM and a slide presentation made by putting transparencies on an overhead projector! Talk about an underwhelming introduction!

You need to know that both of these companies are high tech, computer driven, software developing, program management, and scientific organizations. Six people, (three from each company) came to Utah to brief us on all the new changes and one of them seemed to have no other responsibility except to flip transparencies! There was no PowerPoint presentation even though each of the folks admitted they were carrying their laptops for email. There were also no handouts until after the speakers were finished meaning that questions and notes had to be scribbled on the tablecloths. It was not an impressive display of professionalism.

I guess the handouts not being handy allowed the speakers to dodge the questions about why we are loosing 3 to 5 days of time off per year with the new company. Time off is no longer separated into ?sick leave? and ?vacation.? Now, its ?comprehensive leave? and while the total number of days is greater than my vacation leave days, its not as many days as the two types were when combined. Needless to say, I don?t love that new plan or the plan that covers you without subtracting from your leave but only after being sick 8 days.

Anyway, enough grumbling. There is supposed to be lots better educational benefits with this new company so maybe I can avoid any crises long enough to further my schooling.

Nate 3:25 PM - [Link] Say something...
MOAB - Mother Of All Bombs
I already posted one article about this but its too exciting to not post an update. Bring on the video!
This sounds like a perfect example of "peace through superior firepower."
Nate 1:15 PM - [Link] Say something...
Ya know, ya'll ain't helping me put new skis under my feet with that PayPal button very fast...
Nate 8:05 AM - [Link] Say something...
Monday, March 10, 2003
Study explains how car fans recognize their loves
[...] Ever since cars were invented, women have complained that their husbands recognize the latest Ford more quickly than they do their in-laws.Uhh, yeah, so? Is that a problem? Not at my house! Its just the way I'm wired; and my kid too, so I think it must be genetic...
Nate 1:41 PM - [Link] Say something...
Internet speed record smashed
Now this is broadband internet! I want it! [...] Scientists at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center used fiber-optic cables to transfer 6.7 gigabytes of data -- the equivalent of two DVD movies -- across 6,800 miles in less than a minute. Wahoo!
Nate 1:35 PM - [Link] Say something...
Sunday, March 09, 2003
No, Really. Just wait a week, then surrender
It seems that Saddam's highly trained, fight-till-the-last-man army just might not be as good as their publicity...
Mike Hamilton reports from Camp Coyote in Kuwait
Terrified Iraqi soldiers have crossed the Kuwait border and tried to surrender to British forces - because they thought the war had already started. The motley band of a dozen troops waved the white flag as British paratroopers tested their weapons during a routine exercise. Do ya suppose they got their military strategy training from the French? The white flag and hands up part that is...

[...]"They were a motley bunch and you could barely describe them as soldiers - they were poorly equipped and didn't even have proper boots. Their physical condition was dreadful and they had obviously not had a square meal for ages. No one has ever known a group of so-called soldiers surrender before a shot has been fired in anger."

[...] It is believed that two rings of steel are being established around Baghdad. The outer one consists of regular Iraqi army soldiers and the inner one is made up of Republican Guard fighters - thought to be the only troops that will put up fierce resistance. Not much steel in that first ring if these guys are any example... more like pot metal maybe. Or tin.

I'm reminded by this story of the naysayers from the first Gulf War about the pounding US forces were going to take at the hands of the Iraqi forces. Remember how all the experts forecast such losses to Iraq's battle hardened troops? They knew how to fight in the sand, they had skills from years of fighting Iran, they had all the time in the world to dig in, dig trenches and the supreme commander Hussein to direct their unflagging efforts. Remember all that yammering? I do. Remember how we destroyed their tanks where they dug in, fought them at night with night vision capability and destroyed their bunkers from the air within hours of cranking up the battle? I remember that too.

So to all today's naysayers about how many millions (millions? Come on...) are going to die during this Gulf War, take a look at this report and consider this group of soldier's willingness to fight till the last man... they can't, won't, and don't want to. Our guys are going to destroy these pathetic excuses for soldiers and the Republican Guard and they will look like the dedicated, volunteer professionals that they are.

And they have my support every step of the way.
Nate 9:16 PM - [Link] Say something...
P.B. Slices

Peanut butter slices- individually wrapped like Kraft Cheese Singles, coming soon to a grocery store near you! I heard about this on MPR's Splendid Table radio program this afternoon. If you have kids and hate that sticky knife left in the jar or in the sink, this might be your happy day.

As for me, I'd just like to find a crunchy PB with about half the crunchy bits. Most of what I find has too many nuts in it for easy, smooth spreading.
Nate 3:05 PM - [Link] Say something...
Good news folks! No surgery will be required!

Youch! Did I ever tweak my knee yesterday? You betcha. Skiing of course and on one of my favorite "hero" runs. I was racing away, making turns and really getting into the groove of the moment, right up until my left ski caught an edge, shot downhill and threw me on my head. It happened really quickly but not so quickly that I didn't have time to think, "This would be a good time for a helmet.." I ended up sliding down the hill, face first, skis, poles, hat, goggles and glasses all left behind me, back up the hill. A very spectacular yard sale overall. Fortunately there was no one chasing me while I made a mess of myself and the slope. There was a kind couple that stopped and helped shuttle some of my gear into a central pile while I took an injury inventory and then cleaned snow off my slightly bent glasses.

Did I mention I tweaked my knee? Left one, same knee that suffered the ACL damage 4 years ago getting off the chairlift as I tried to ride a snowboard. That time I got a ride in the Ski Patrol's sled (very scary in itself), and a trip to the Dr. and then a brace and multiple trips to the physical therapist. This time I managed to ski back to where I was working, finished my day by sitting instead of standing and got home for an ice pack and anti-inflamatory meds on the couch. Today its feeling a little weak but usable and hopefully it will be serviceable for skiing again by next week.

So, it will be a day of multiple laundry loads, a trip to the gun show and maybe even out to shoot for a bit. The Beretta is much improved after its trip to Terry the gunsmith over at Impact Arms, so I'm much happier with it. And inaccuracy will be all my fault, not the gun's!
Nate 9:39 AM - [Link] Say something...
Thursday, March 06, 2003
More Blogger frustration!

Yesterday I built a Possumblog button to use as a link to the World's Most Famous Blog and I even managed to upload it and link to it successfully. And it was even displayed over there where the links belong. There was a button for Acidman's blog also. Both of these buttons have been appearing and disappearing throoughout the day for no reason that I can discern. Its getting on my nerves even if it is free... What grief.

Anyway, blogging's been light today and may improve this evening. Tomorrow is my Friday off and it will be filled with an appointment for the son in Salt Lake City, bill paying and a possible trip to the shooting range.

I got the Beretta back from the gunsmith yesterday and the trigger seems much improved. Before it required an inordinate amount of tugging to get the trigger to release, squeezing was just about out of the question. Now it requires less effort and the drag before release is practically gone. So a trip to the range is called for to test out the improvements. Still no shipping data from the company sending me my Ruger but their email did say it sometimes takes a few days to process everything. Don't they know I'm anxiously awaiting my new toy? Couldn't they possibly locate, box and ship my new gun within an hour of opening the envelope with my money in it? What's the matter with those guys?

Anyway, I've been abusing the email bandwidth yakking with Possum Dad most of the day. Good thing you can't intrude on that!
Nate 2:08 PM - [Link] Say something...
... - Widow's tattoo states dying wish

This little ol lady's not foolin around. She wants to make sure the Docs understand her wishes!
Thinking about tattooing an 85 year old lady's chest kinda gives me shivers though...
Nate 11:07 AM - [Link] Say something...
Wednesday, March 05, 2003
Possum Network - Home to the Virginia Opossum

In searching the web tonight for all things possumy, and trying to locate just the right marsupial clip art to enhance the Possumblog button I've created for Terry the possum patron saint of bloggers, I found this charming web site dedicated to his namesakes. Terry probably has already gleaned everything this site has to offer for his own enjoyment, maybe you could stop by and see how wonderful possums can be.
Nate 9:00 PM - [Link] Say something...
A response to the Lysistrata Project from a real woman

Asparagirl really takes a chunk out of those ridiculous women that think they can stop men from waging war by withholding sex until the men decide to make peace. I can't begin to comment better on this subject than this young woman. If you think that this Lysistrata Project is a good idea for you, better go check out what she has to say.

Here's just a sample...[...] It would be nice, then, if there were some way to convey to these women just why so many of us are so adamant that the Arab world needs massive changes, and right away, starting for various reasons with Iraq. It would be really helpful if there were some analogy that came to mind, something that a feminist group could easily grasp, to explain our unyielding anger and determination to see this process through to its final, bitter ends. Many of these women simply do not comprehend what a gross violation of our sovereignty and our autonomy 9/11 was to us. How it caused massive trauma and scarring to many of us which we may never really get over. How it changed our perceptions of our personal safety and made us wary of whom we could safely trust in the world. But all we hear is some muted sympathy, mixed with a "you should have known better" condescension. We were probably asking for it, what with our troops in Saudi Arabia (what were you doing there in the first place?), our vetoing of the Kyoto Protocols (you're such a stuck-up tease), our muddling in the Arab-Israeli conflict (you were acting provocatively), and so on. But like I said, I just can't seem to think up a good analogy that one of these particular feminist groups would care to understand.

Note: There are some extremely funny slogans that she suggests for these project protests, but she does use some rude language...
Nate 8:15 PM - [Link] Say something...
Yahoo! News - U.S. Plans Heavy Bombing Campaign in Iraq

Possumblog bud Terry has already linked to this story, and the story doesn't surprise me at all. Its how I would go to war if I were in charge. And I have an interest in supporting the continued use of military materials, since that's how I get paid.

But; the Grammar Grinch wannabe editor in me found a little oopsie in this article and I just couldn't let it go by unremarked...

[...] Meanwhile, the American propaganda war continued. U.S. Central Command said it had dropped 420,000 leaflets in the no-fly zone over southern Iraq, urging Saddam's troops to desert and alerting Iraqis to radio frequencies where they can here anti-Saddam programming.

Do ya think they meant hear?

Nate 7:15 PM - [Link] Say something...
Its Free... And it Shows!

Silly Blogger is goofing with my template again. Last night I mucked about and added a button for Acidman's Gut Rumbles and last night it was working properly. This morning its not. The template is good, the file is where its supposed to be and the link is pointing in the right direction, but somehow the electrons have gotten wrapped around the Blogger axle and you can't see my simple upgrade.

Its a Blogger bummer.

UPDATE: Now its working... Yeah!
Nate 7:44 AM - [Link] Say something...
Tuesday, March 04, 2003
Cannot find Weapons of Mass Destruction

Apparently we have nothing to worry about, Bill Gates and MicroSoft have taken care of the WMD concerns for us
Nate 11:00 AM - [Link] Say something...
... - Police chiefs don't want to arm retired or off-duty officers

Seems to me that if these officers are retired, the chief's jurisdiction over them is worn out and these gents could apply for concealed carry permits just as any citizen in states that allow it. And I doubt that the approving authority at the ground level would deny any retired officer a permit to carry. And I suspect that most off-duty officers throughout America are usually armed in spite of whether their chief approves or knows.

Can you think of anyone that you would rather be carrying a legal concealed firearm next to you at the local Wal-Mart? I can't.
Nate 10:00 AM - [Link] Say something...
The Man Code
1. Thou shall not-ever-rent the movie "Chocolat".
2. Under no circumstances may two men share an umbrella.
3. Any man who brings a camera to a bachelor party may be legally killed and eaten by his fellow partygoers.
4. When you are queried by a buddy's wife, girlfriend, mother, father, priest, shrink, dentist, accountant, or dog walker, you need not and should not provide any useful information whatsoever as to his whereabouts. You are permitted to deny his very existence.
5. Unless he murdered someone in your immediate family, you must bail a friend out of jail within 12 hours.
6. You may exaggerate any anecdote told in a bar by 50 percent without recrimination; beyond that, anyone within earshot is allowed to call BULLSHIT. (Exception: When trying to pick up a girl, the allowable exaggeration rate rises to 400 percent)
7. If you've known a guy for more than 24 hours, his sister is off-limits ... forever.
8. The minimum amount of time you have to wait for another guy who's running late is 5 minutes. For a woman, you are required to wait 10 minutes for every point of hotness she scores on the classic 1-10 scale.
9. Bitching about the brand of free beer in a buddies refrigerator is forbidden. You may gripe if the temperature is unsuitable.
10. No man is ever required to buy a birthday present for another man. In fact, even remembering a friend's birthday is strictly optional ... and slightly gay.
11. Agreeing to distract the ugly friend of a hot babe your buddy is trying to hook up with is your legal duty. Should you get carried away with your good deed and end up having sex with the beast, your pal is forbidden to speak of it, even at your bachelor party.
12. Before dating a buddy's ex, you are required to ask his permission and he, in return, is required to grant it.
13. Women who claim they "love to watch sports" must be treated as spies until they demonstrate knowledge of the game, and the ability to pick a buffalo wing clean.
14. If a man's zipper is down, that's his problem --- you don't see nothin'.
15. The universal compensation for buddies who help you move is beer.
16. A man must never own a cat or like his girlfriend's cat.
17. Your girlfriend must bond with your buddy's girlfriends within 30 minutes of meeting them. You are not required to make nice with her gal pal's significant dick-heads. Low-level sports bonding is all the law requires.
18. When stumbling upon other guys watching a sports event, you may always ask the score of the game in progress, but you may never ask who's playing.
19. When your girlfriend/wife expresses a desire to fix her whiney friend up with your pal, you may give her the go-ahead only if you'll be able to warn your buddy and give him time prepare excuses about joining the priesthood.
20. It is permissible to consume a fruity chick drink only when you're sunning on a tropical beach... and it's delivered by a topless supermodel ... and it's free.
21. Unless you're in prison, never fight naked.
22. A man in the company of a hot, suggestively dressed woman must remain sober enough to fight.
23. If a buddy is outnumbered, out manned, or too drunk to fight, you must jump into the fight. (Exception: If, within the last 24 hours, his actions have caused you to think, "What this guy needs is a good ass-whoopin", then you may sit back and enjoy.)
24. Phrases that may NOT be uttered to another man while weight lifting: "Yeah, baby, push it!" "C'mon, give me one more! Harder!" "Another set and we can hit the showers" "Nice ass, are you a Sagittarius?"
25. Never hesitate to reach for the last beer or the last slice of pizza, but not both. That's just plain mean.
26. If you compliment a guy on his six-pack, you better be referring to his beer.
27. Never join your girlfriend/wife in dissing a buddy, except when she's withholding sex pending your response.
28. Never talk to a man in the bathroom unless you're on equal footing: either both urinating, or both waiting in line. In all other situations, a nod is all the conversation you need.
29. If a buddy is already singing along to a song in the car, you may not join him ... too gay.
30. Before allowing a drunken friend to cheat on his girl, you must attempt one intervention. If he is able to get on his feet, look you in the eye, and deliver a "F*CK OFF!" you are absolved of your responsibility.
31. The morning after you and a babe who was formerly "just friends" have carnal, drunken monkey sex, the fact that you're feeling weird and guilty is no reason not to nail her again before the discussion about what a big mistake it was.

I can live with all these rules except #16. Sorry, I prefer cats.
Nate 9:00 AM - [Link] Say something...
Netroglycerine -- A place for learning
Here's a website, operated by Simon Quellen Field that is a wonderful place to spend some time. There are some great science experiments to do with your kids, (explosions even!) some java tricks for web pages and a cool map that you can mark your own latitude & longitude on if you know it.

Anyway, I had a very enjoyable time browsing through Simon's world, you might enjoy it too.
Nate 8:33 AM - [Link] Say something...
Monday, March 03, 2003
International Eat an Animal for PETA Day
(Thanks Meryl)

The day is Saturday, 15 March. Its coming soon, so head down to the butcher's counter before all the best cuts are gone! Or get your restaurant reservations made now to avoid the rush. I'll have to put some real consideration into my menu choices but I'm thinking a huge rack of ribs might not only reflect the proper symbolism but taste mighty good too.

Meyrl's link has a letter and an address to contact PETA, I suggest sending the letter and your leftover bones to them!

Nate 9:15 PM - [Link] Say something...
Woman puts 6 foot Alligator in Honda-gets arrested

You know, I lived in Florida myself for 3 years, my dad has been down there since 1974 and my brother Tim has been there for 20 years. To the best of my ability to tell, none of us ever received the "Welcome to Florida" lobotomy that has apparently become a requirement for citizenship in that state. This story has got to be a hoax because nobody could possibly be that stupid; could they?

Course they did manage to bungle an election or two...
Nate 9:10 PM - [Link] Say something...
... - Naked anti-war demos sweep world

I'm sorry, I just don't get it. I really, really wish somebody could cause me to understand how laying naked in a field with 300 other naked people can possibly have any affect on any opportunity to exercise military weapons against a bad guy that so obviously deserves it. I don't understand how anyone, no matter how lefty they are, can believe that their naked word-play will affect the decision makers that control US policy.

Its just dumbass
Nate 1:15 PM - [Link] Say something...
A Reason to Donate...

Ok, I threw a PayPal tip jar link over there on the left purely as a whim. Just to see if anybody might be silly enough to pay a few pennies for my drooling ramblings. Unlike some of those well read bloggers out there in the world I didn't (don't) really expect too many folks to toss their hard earned pennies my way.

And at the time, I really didn't have anything I wanted to beg anybody to help me buy but that changed yesterday. Now I want, no, I need new skis! And not just any skis but these skis, Salomon Pocket Rockets. I rented a pair of these yesterday as demos and they were wonderful! They carried my fat butt all over Snow Basin - A Sun Valley Resort, through all kinds of snow including some crudded up powder that I never would have made it through on my skinny carving skis. These wide bodied skis not only provided wonderful flotation but also turned when I wanted them to instead of when they or a rock decided to turn for me. I want these skis! And I'm even willing to buy the demos from the rental store at the end of the season instead of brand new ones.

So, won't you help put some wide bodied Pocket Rockets under my wide body? I promise to buy my own helmet so that when I venture out into the trees in search of untracked powder the cranium that cranks out this drivel will stay protected... Your humble scribe

Nate 8:00 AM - [Link] Say something...
Lt Smash calls his dad

Two things I love about this post from Lt Smash; first, in spite of the miles and austere conditions, he was able to wish his dad a happy birthday by phone. Second, ain't technology great?

He's also been busy writing reports protecting his troops from the Dragon Lady. make sure to check it out.
Nate 7:51 AM - [Link] Say something...
British Human Shields Exit Iraq for Home

Apparently, at least some of these folks have decided that protecting power plants is not what they had in mind when they went to Iraq. Good for them. Maybe a hot shower and a cold pint now seems like a better idea. I'd have to agree. Steven DenBeste over at USS Clueless spells out some interesting details to this continuing saga, far better than I can, so check it out.
Nate 7:51 AM - [Link] Say something...